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About me

Hi there and thanks for coming by!

I'm Jona. I'm passionate about technology and how it can create meaningful experiences valuable to people and society

I have a degree in Interactive Digital Contents at Barcelona University and I am also a licensed English Teacher

In my spare time I love to make music on the piano, guitar or computer

and I am also into outdoor sports and veggie gardening!

Here is what I can do:

App Development: By using Unity or Unreal Engine I can make an app for pretty much any platform (mobile, web, console, computer)

Music and Sounds: GarageBand and Ableton for creating any sound and recording my own voice overs

Photo Editing and 3D Modelling: Photoshop, Gimp and 3DS Max

My favourite games are: Minecraft, Pokemon, Eye Toy, Wii Sports, Mario Bros, Agario, Dixit, Catan

I love R&B, dance, latin, pop and folk music

I love everything sustainable and eco

... and I think that'll do, thanks for your time and feel free to contact me about any questions or proposals you may have!


2023 Jonatan Bethune

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